Fair Pay For Social Care

Fair Pay for Social Care

The Church of Scotland has initiated a campaign for Fair Pay for Social Care. This is supported by CrossReach and Justice and Peace Scotland. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the need to pay care workers more fairly and to put pressure on the Scottish Government on this issue. The campaign’s organisers are asking faith leaders and those who hold a position of responsibility in their church, to sign a declaration initiated by the Moderator of the Church of Scotland and the Archbishop of Glasgow. This will show that there is good support for the campaign.

The declaration calls on the Scottish Government to do everything within its power to ensure all frontline social care workers are paid a minimum of £12 per hour immediately, and for funding to allow all social care staff to be recognised for their skills, experience and contributions, in whichever role they serve. Faith leaders and all those who lead congregation-based services and activities which support vulnerable people are invited to sign the declaration on the CrossReach website. If this is you please sign up as the more signatures we gather the louder our voices will be when we meet MSPs to discuss this issue.

For further information please contact Clare Flenley, whose contact details are given below.

Clare Flenley | She/Her | Public Life and Social Justice Programme Officer| Faith Action Programme | The Church of Scotland

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